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Short holidays and period in the Eternal City

The short terms rentals have emerged in recent years thanks to the work of accommodation like bed and breakfast and guesthouses, which just for short periods see grow the percentage of booking that they receive. The costs they apply also will appeal to young people, among the greatest travelers of all time.

3 days in Rome are now in fact a very requested kind of holiday. But three days in Rome can truly satisfy the curiosity of travelers that for the first time come to the Eternal City? Can 3 days in Rome reveal the real Rome? We have about that some little guidance for those who decide perhaps for economic issues related to availability, to spend 3 days in Rome. Just some small routes thinks to a short stay in the city.

First, is better chose the main goal of our visit. Thereafter you can see the other tourist attractions close by, so you can enjoy a part of town, because in only 3 days is really impossible to visit all the city. According to personal taste, you can do some sort of selection of areas to visit, at the expense of others area that may you could be visit in subsequent holiday. Rome has much to offer to its guests, with a really diversification offering. Do you like Imperial Rome? Favorite Baroque Rome? Love the Rome of the Popes? In short, decide beforehand what you want to visit, allows to organize each time small tours in the city. Then select areas adjacent to each other, not to waste time over long distances by public and private.

The possible routes are many, and we will mention only some. Of course itinerary are designed for a tourist who likes to walk around the city and will have fun with the great Rome's monuments and the architectural beauties. We do not intend to mention the museums, exhibitions or cultural events, for obvious reasons of brevity.

ARCHEOLOGICAL ROME: if you love ancient Rome and the history of the Empire, and in your short stay you want to admire the majesty of its findings, then you have to limit your vacation at a precise point of the city. We speak about the area of the Colosseum. Overnight in that stretch of the city, means be able to walk to the tourist destinations that are right for you, such as Via dei Fori Imperiali, the Area Sacra of Largo di Torre Argentina, the Circo Massimo and the Terme di Caracalla. In these point is concentrate much of the archeological heritage of the city. You can admire the most ancient monuments. Might be interesting to trace the path of Via Cavour and Termini Station, where you can see traces of the Terme di Diocleziano. We also present the path that follows the Tourist Bus "Archeobus", which come up from Termini Station to the ancient Via Appia, reaching destinations such as the various catacombs placed around the city. This no means that the walk indicated exhausts the knowledge of Ancient Rome: it would be interesting to see the exhibition in museums around this argument. But in three days you can enjoy of one of the most spectacular sights that Rome has to offer to its guests.

BAROQUE ROME: itinerary very difficult to trace, because you know that the Baroque Art was born and developed here in Rome, and so it is scattered a bit all over the city. Not only original works, but also the coverage at that time was made for example of ancient buildings, creating a strange mix of architectural elements. To walk in the heart of Baroque Rome, however, you have to go to the true historical center of the city, which is the area that includes places such as Piazza Navona, Campo de' Fiori, Fontana di Trevi, il Pantheon, Piazza del Popolo and Piazza di Spagna. We are in a very picturesque area, characterized by low buildings and narrow completely covered by traditional cobblestone. Penetrating through the narrow streets and alleyways, you'll come in the wide space of the bis squares as such Piazza Navona or Piazza di Spagna, pride of Roman Baroque, thanks to the works and worship places, such as the Church of Santa Angese in Agone and Trintità dei Monti.

NIGHTLIFE: another kind of tourism is the playing ones, focus on the knowledge of the nightlife and nocturnal habits of the different cities. In this sense the center of Rome has some neighborhoods with many locals and a funny active nightlife. For a stay of three days, for example, we can recommend an overnight stay in the neighborhood of Trastevere, which every night attracts the attention of million young people, who start to roam the streets attracted by the many local such as restaurants, pubs, cinemas and discos. The atmosphere of the neighborhood is very relaxed and fun, thanks to the cheerful presence of large groups of foreigners. Another interesting neighborhood for its boisterous nightlife is San Lorenzo, easily accessible from accommodations located in the immediate vicinity of Termini Station. Even here hundreds kind of locals revive the Rome's nights.
